Saturday, May 31, 2008

my experience in chatting....

Chatting.... I know about chatting when I was in secondary school.. But the first time I chatting when my dad to buy a laptop.. First I used with quietly because I afraid to my father.. I always to chatting in night and I bring my laptop in my bedroom.. First website I logging is KampungChat and I see a lot a boys and girls is logging.. They all use many nickname and sometimes that nickname is funny..
Any how I met some guys in chatting..Their nickname is ProblemBoys and always have a problems...I know him from 3 years ago.. I never seen or to talk to him and I even know how he look.. But I always imagine he handsome...He..He..When I used spend time to chatting with him as a long he give me a real name and I call him Izat.. He tell me he from Segamat,Johor.. He elderly from me..I think about 22 years old...
Well, when I was in college I learn a something new..Like chatting but it a more advance for me.. I know about Friendster and Blog...
In Friendster I can see him in their Friendster.. He give me a email to add his Friendster..But I afraid because when he add me,he can know about me and can see my looks.. So shy..
And the result he add me.. He can look me.. When I see their Friendster I never see his picture.. When I asked him, he tell me he never I know their face..Is not fair.. I was angry with him..
Two month I never reply his email and I delete all my pictures in Friendster...
But lately he give me email and he tell me he was upload he pictures.. I use user name my roommate to see his friendster..
When I see their pictures I was a little bit shocked because he is a cute guy and not bad..He..He..
I feel to blame with him and I send a email..I tell to him... He can see my friendster again and can became a good friend... But actually I want to special more from him..Hee..He.. I think he is a funny,kind and take care for me...He always ask me to meet someday but I always tell to him I am busy.. But actually I am not ready to see him..

Thursday, May 22, 2008

poem again....

Not Yet The Long Sleep
by John LeClare

Glittering dark,
Before my eyes, closed
Everything I see, shadowed
In roaring silence
I hear
A feather
Soundless, a brush
My lovers touch
Bitter, life's bile
Sweet, love's taste
Shadows of tomorrow
Darken the path of yesterday
What was will not be
What is, stands
Before my eyes, open
My life
Meaning with me:
I think this poem is little bit has to do with me because that night before I was sleeping I always
thing about my life..I always alone and lonely at the night..When my room became dark and my roomate already sleep I always think about me..About love..About friends..About my family...Although my room a dark but I can see my life and sometimes I can see what happen to me today.. Sometimes, what had happen have a lot of advantages or disadvantages to me..
Tomorrow when I wake up I can felling a new feeling at me.. I can get a spirit to keep going in my life to succes...


My Friend
by Sammy Lane Sharp

We all need someone
To talk to in our life
A friend to whom we run
In times of stress or strife
A friend who's always there
Throughout the years,
A friend we know will care
And take away our fears.

A friend who's always near,
Waiting for our call,
To wipe away our tears,
And lift us when we fall.

A loving friend indeed,
On whom we can depend
To fulfill our every need
Thank you, precious friend

Meaning by me:

I think all people must have friends because if I have a problem I can share my problem at my friends..With friends I can talk anything I want like my life,social life,love and anything else..

Sometimes friends is always there to support me for my life..They all give me advices to support me when I sad..Friends always care about me.. When I fears they all give me something to calm me..

When I came home,sometimes I boring I can call all my friends or chat with them and they never fed up with me although they all busy...For my friends I dedicate this poem for you all.. I hope you all appreciate this..I LOVE YOU ALL...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


My diet..

In this semester I aim to be a slim person because I very jelous when I see some girls that has a beautiful body like Rihanna of course..I think since in primary school I have a problem about my weigh..I little bit fat I think because when I was in school some my friend call me"tedybear".. Actually I hate this, when they call me "tedybear" but I just smile even though I annoyed them..Sometimes I very shy to make a friends with them..Now,I want to be a slim because next year my old friends told me,they wants to make a reunion..I like all wrong to joinned because they all sure to curse me..So confused...Now, for the lunch I just eat rise once in the day and for the dinner I and my roomate just eat some eat biscuit..Sometimes,I think this is funny because I will angry to my roomate when she ask me to go the dinner..For this week I think 2 week left I never take a dinner.. First, of course I feel very hungry but I still stong with my diet..He.he.. But yesterday I back my home and my mum was to cook my favourite dish..Finally,I lost with my I was eat and eat again but I never told to my roomate because I think when she know she must to chatter me..Never mind..I has give time for weight to back the normal...I think among 3 months maybe I can lost 1 or 2kg..He..he..I can do it because Earliest time when I was in PLKN I can lost 5kg in 3 months but in PLKN I was to do many extrem activity compared to activity in college..I jus twalk to the class and go back to hostel and also go to sleep..He..he.. I hope I can lost 1 or 2kg in 3 months..I can do it..I hope so..

Happy mother's day...

Happy mother's day..
Yesterday,I'm so excited to wish my mum Happy mother's day.I just give her a kiss because I not with the time to buy her gift..I'm sorry mum but I think when the daugther give the kiss with sincereI certainly my mum is very touched.I know because I saw my mum is flooded.Huh..huh..Never mind.But I yearned to wish Happy mother's day to natural mother but I don't know how..I call my natural motheris "Mak"..My adopted mother(ibu) always remember me to wish her..But I to be shy for calling her..But I just give her message..Actually,many my friends said I very lucky because I have two mothers and two fathers.But the past I always confused why I have two family..I'm luck because "ibu" have to clarify why I have two family..Mum dosen't have children and her take me..So she to take care me since I baby.. My grandmother said her take me when I was 24days and take me until now.. Now I 20 years old..Huh..So long..Thank you so much ibu because you take care me and you still take me like your really daugther..I'm so respect it..I love you mum..She never feel angry with me although I is very naughty.. You are the great mum for me..You are very sporting mother in the world.. But for "mak" thank you so much because to give birth me..Although you was give me to ibu for take me I never mind because I know you have a reason why you doing it.. Without you all I don't know what happen to me..You all always give me love and take care about study to me..Thanks a lot and I promise tosuccess in my study and my future and to two my mum I love you always...Muawwwhhh..

Thursday, May 8, 2008

nothing to comment....


I'm talking about love?? He..he.. Actually I dosen't have experion to be in love with any guys.But sometime I have a secret admire.Before this in secondry school I have a secret admire but not to falling in love with him.Just for fun.But I have the problem.I have a good friend and I know him since from form one.My name a little bit same with him and from this we so close.But lately he say to me outright that he love me.I'm so suprise.I don't know to say to him.But he said he falling in love with me since seven years ago.Owh..He always call me and always ask about my answer and I said I and he just a friend.I never have a felling love with him..Just a friend.He cannot accept and he give a little time for me thinking about this.Now I very confused and I to ask my friend.They all said.. Up to you(me)..But sometime I jelous with some my friend because they have a boyfriend but me not yet anymore..They all always going out together.. So jelous..I so confused.. But sometime he always call me..He take care to me..He nice.He know about me and my family but I don'tknow about his family.I want try to ask my mother but i shy.I don't know how to start and don't know how to tell about love or some guys with my mum.. SO scary..I don't think my mum agree if I couple with other guy because now I in study..My mum said I must study seriously and must to get high result.But I has to plainly with him.I cannot accept his love and I have say I must to done my study.. Sorry...So confused and this is my first time I have threatened about love..

Huhh..My result..!

Hmmm..This my first blog and this week is the beginning a new short semester.But I don't happy because my result is going down.I to shocked when I see my result.Manysubject is going down.For programming subject I get C.I think last semester I not well study for this subject.I don't know why?For test I never past.Same with my friends.For assigment I had been submitted.I think the lecturer.This subject he cannot give the quiz.I don't understand what he teaching me.Huhh..I hope he don't know what i say..But for TMR I feel dissappointed because I think I can get A or B for this subject.I think I do very wellfor quiz,test and assignment and I never skip the class.But when final I really down and the result I get C.So long as I never get C for TMK or TMR subject.But is my mistake because last semester I doesn't pay attention in class.He..he...Never mind.This semester I must study seriously.

For class in this semester I have two subject.This is ENG263 and TMK264.But the time isto long in class.Sometime I to feel sleepy and boring.But my others friend always bring some candyfor me.For Subject ENG263 all student have to write blog.For me blog is same like my diary but have adifference based on system.Blog use the online and technology but diary just to write in some book or paper.

I don't know to write for my blog.For me is to hard because I must write in English.So long as I write in Bahasa Melayu.But I try because in Semester Two I left my jurnal although I think my English not to perfect.He..he.. sometime when read I think my jurnal like creation form primary school students and notcreation from collage student.So shy.He..he..


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