Tuesday, January 20, 2009

TaG LaGiK...

kepada roomateku terima kaceh laa tag aku yek......

The rules: Link to your tagger and post these rules. List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people.

1. aku member x ramai
2. just kepada
3. mokgu 9
4. wanie fadhil
5. aida ko ada blog x
6. syafik bler nak update blog ko
7. rihanna
8. errmmm..


1. kuat sangat daya berangan....
2. suka sangat2 tidow... tp bler dah tidow siang.. mlm aku jd burung hantu
3. suka gigit kuku (ad sape2 nak bg petua bg hlangkan tabiat bruk aku ni..)
4.takut kuceng tp aku mmg x leh tgk kuceng kat anjung.. mmg bajet arr kuceng tu
5. suka sangat2 kompelin pasal gaya bju..make up...kasut..tudung kpada owg yg ak x bkenan..
6. suka dgr lagu slow2 bler suka hati dan dgr lgu rancak2 bler sakit hati
7. suka sangat2 kaco ibu memasak...
8. kalo g shopping suke sgt beli make up..


First name: Norazah (nama yg mmg ringkas dan sng diingati..he..he..)
Name you wish you had: Puan Sri Norazah Aziz ( nama tua lak..)
What do people normally your name as: Azah
Birthday: 4 October 1988
Birthplace: Kota Tinggi, Johor
Time of birth: Aku rasa mlm kot sbb aku lahir kat umh jer.. (mak aku ckp laa)
Single or taken: Taken kot...
Zodiac sign: Libragurlzzzzzzz


How tall are you: 155 jer
Wish you were taller: Nak jgk rasa pandangan org tggi ni mcm mane
Eye color : hitam
Current hair color: hitam itu menawan
Short or long hair: dulu pjg skrg pendek.. (nyesalnya gi kerat..)
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: nope..
Last time you did something dramatic with you hair: rebonding...
Glasses or contacts: nope
Do you wear make up: semmgnya aku gler make up tp x laa over...
Paint your nails: skrg tgh berinai
Shy or outgoing: tgk siapa ad di cc ku..
Sexy or cute: cute laa kot
Serious or fun: aku ni time mkn ngan tidow jer serius
A turn on : renjis..
A turn off: semua cerita indon... wulan.. ke mulan ke.. lantak ler..


lowers or chocolates: chocolates
Pepsi or coke: dua2 ak x bpe nak layan
Rap or rock: dua2 layan
Relationship or one night stand: Relationship
School or work: stduy lg nieee
Love or money: dua2..
Movie or music: dua2
Country or city: dua2
Sunny or rainy days: rainy.. he..he..
Friends or family:both


Ever lied: yes
Stole something: hatiku kini dicuri oleh.....
Smoked: never
Hurt someone close to you: penah la kot
Broke someone’s heart: penah...
Wonder what was wrong with you: Yes
Wish you were prince or princess: teringin nak pakai gaun... princess bleh pkai gaun..
Like someone who was taken: maybe
Shaved your head: never
Used chopstick: dulu pnh bljr mkn pki benda alah ni ngan seseorg..
Sang in the mirror to yourself: selalu gak


Flower: rose putih.. sucinye..
Candy: gula2 getah
Song: ayat2 cinta
Color: pink
Movie: batman...
Singer: ct nurhaliza
Junk food: double dacker
Website: friendster,blogger
Location: kuantan
Animal : x nakkkk
Ever cried over someone: Yes
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: jadikan diriku lebih bersemangat
Do you think you’re attractive: nope
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: kat sane bleh surf internet x
Do you play any sport: x minat... joging atas katil je laa ngan naik trun tgga ni..

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